Auto Encoder, Variational Auto Encoder
Autoencoder is an unsupervised artificial neural network that learns how to efficiently compress and encode data then learns how to reconstruct the data back from the reduced encoded representation to a representation that is as close to the original input as possible.
Autoencoder, by design, reduces data dimensions by learning how to ignore the noise in the data.
An autoencoder, which is a neural network made up of two parts:
• An encoder network that compresses high-dimensional input data into a lower dimensional representation vector
• A decoder network that decompresses a given representation vector back to the original domain
The network is trained to find weights for the encoder and decoder that minimize the loss between the original input and the reconstruction of the input after it has passed through the encoder and decoder.
The representation vector is a compression of the original image into a lower dimensional,latent space. The idea is that by choosing any point in the latent space, we should be able to generate novel images by passing this point through the decoder, since the decoder has learned how to convert points in the latent space into viable images.
Autoencoders can also be used to clean noisy images, since the encoder learns that it is not useful to capture the position of the random noise inside the latent space. For tasks such as this, a 2D latent space is probably too small to encode sufficient relevant.
1- Encoder: In which the model learns how to reduce the input dimensions and compress the input data into an encoded representation.
2- Bottleneck: which is the layer that contains the compressed representation of the input data. This is the lowest possible dimensions of the input data.
3- Decoder: In which the model learns how to reconstruct the data from the encoded representation to be as close to the original input as possible.
4- Reconstruction Loss: This is the method that measures measure how well the decoder is performing and how close the output is to the original input.
The training then involves using back propagation in order to minimize the network’s reconstruction loss.
Autoencoder Architecture:
The network architecture for autoencoders can vary between a simple FeedForward network, LSTM network or Convolutional Neural Network depending on the use case.
Auto encoder for Anomaly Detection
There are many ways and techniques to detect anomalies and outliers. If you have correlated input data, the autoencoder method will work very well because the encoding operation relies on the correlated features to compress the data.
Let’s say that we have trained an autoencoder on the MNIST dataset. Using a simple FeedForward neural network, which can generate hand written digits.If you pass any normal image from the MNIST dataset, the reconstruction loss will be very low (< 0.02) but if you tried to pass any other different image (outlier or anomaly), we will get a high reconstruction loss value because the network failed to reconstruct the image/input that is considered an anomaly.The same concept applies to any type of dataset.
Image denoising
Denoising or noise reduction is the process of removing noise from a signal. This can be an image, audio or a document. You can train an Autoencoder network to learn how to remove noise from pictures.
The network is provided with original images $x$, as well as their noisy version $x~$. The network tries to reconstruct its output $x’$ to be as close as possible to the original image $x$. By doing so, it learns how to denoise images.
When an unseen noisy image is given to the network it try to build an output image closer to the original image
Denoising has a downside on information quality. The reconstructed digits are somehow blurred. The decoder has added some features which were not present in the original image, e.g. the 8th and 9th digits below are barely recognizable.
Variational Auto Encoders
In the last few years, deep learning based generative models have gained more and more interest due to (and implying) some amazing improvements in the field. Relying on huge amount of data, well-designed networks architectures and smart training techniques, deep generative models have shown an incredible ability to produce highly realistic pieces of content of various kind, such as images, texts and sounds. Among these deep generative models, two major families stand out and deserve a special attention: Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
In a nutshell, a VAE is an autoencoder whose encodings distribution is regularised during the training in order to ensure that its latent space has good properties allowing us to generate some new data. Moreover, the term “variational” comes from the close relation there is between the regularisation and the variational inference method in statistics.
Once the autoencoder has been trained, we have both an encoder and a decoder but still no real way to produce any new content. At first sight, we could be tempted to think that, if the latent space is regular enough (well “organized” by the encoder during the training process), we could take a point randomly from that latent space and decode it to get a new content. The decoder would then act more or less like the generator of a Generative Adversarial Network.But some points of the latent space give meaningless content once decded.So, in order to be able to use the decoder of our autoencoder for generative purpose, we have to be sure that the latent space is regular enough. One possible solution to obtain such regularity is to introduce explicit regularisation during the training process.
A variational autoencoder can be defined as being an autoencoder whose training is regularised to avoid overfitting and ensure that the latent space has good properties that enable generative process.
Just as a standard autoencoder, a variational autoencoder is an architecture composed of both an encoder and a decoder and that is trained to minimise the reconstruction error between the encoded-decoded data and the initial data. However, in order to introduce some regularisation of the latent space, we proceed to a slight modification of the encoding-decoding process: instead of encoding an input as a single point, we encode it as a distribution over the latent space. The model is then trained as follows:
first, the input is encoded as distribution over the latent space
second, a point from the latent space is sampled from that distribution
third, the sampled point is decoded and the reconstruction error can be computed
finally, the reconstruction error is backpropagated through the network
In practice, the encoded distributions are chosen to be normal so that the encoder can be trained to return the mean and the covariance matrix that describe these Gaussians. The reason why an input is encoded as a distribution with some variance instead of a single point is that it makes possible to express very naturally the latent space regularisation: the distributions returned by the encoder are enforced to be close to a standard normal distribution.
Thus, the loss function that is minimised when training a VAE is composed of a “reconstruction term” (on the final layer), that tends to make the encoding-decoding scheme as performant as possible, and a “regularisation term” (on the latent layer), that tends to regularise the organisation of the latent space by making the distributions returned by the encoder close to a standard normal distribution. That regularisation term is expressed as the Kulback-Leibler divergence between the returned distribution and a standard Gaussian We can notice that the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two Gaussian distributions has a closed form that can be directly expressed in terms of the means and the covariance matrices of the the two distributions.
The regularity that is expected from the latent space in order to make generative process possible can be expressed through two main properties: continuity (two close points in the latent space should not give two completely different contents once decoded) and completeness (for a chosen distribution, a point sampled from the latent space should give “meaningful” content once decoded).
The only fact that VAEs encode inputs as distributions instead of simple points is not sufficient to ensure continuity and completeness. Without a well defined regularisation term, the model can learn, in order to minimise its reconstruction error, to “ignore” the fact that distributions are returned and behave almost like classic autoencoders (leading to overfitting). To do so, the encoder can either return distributions with tiny variances (that would tend to be punctual distributions) or return distributions with very different means (that would then be really far apart from each other in the latent space). In both cases, distributions are used the wrong way (cancelling the expected benefit) and continuity and/or completeness are not satisfied.
So, in order to avoid these effects we have to regularise both the covariance matrix and the mean of the distributions returned by the encoder. In practice, this regularisation is done by enforcing distributions to be close to a standard normal distribution (centred and reduced). This way, we require the covariance matrices to be close to the identity, preventing punctual distributions, and the mean to be close to 0, preventing encoded distributions to be too far apart from each others.
With this regularisation term, we prevent the model to encode data far apart in the latent space and encourage as much as possible returned distributions to “overlap”, satisfying this way the expected continuity and completeness conditions. Naturally, as for any regularisation term, this comes at the price of a higher reconstruction error on the training data. The tradeoff between the reconstruction error and the KL divergence can however be adjusted.Assuming a simple underlying probabilistic model to describe our data, the pretty intuitive loss function of VAEs, composed of a reconstruction term and a regularisation term, can be carefully derived, using in particular the statistical technique of variational inference (hence the name “variational” autoencoders).
Variational autoencoders as a generative model
By sampling from the latent space, we can use the decoder network to form a generative model capable of creating new data similar to what was observed during training. Specifically, we'll sample from the prior distribution $p(z)$ which we assumed follows a unit Gaussian distribution.
The figure below visualizes the data generated by the decoder network of a variational autoencoder trained on the MNIST handwritten digits dataset. Here, we've sampled a grid of values from a two-dimensional Gaussian and displayed the output of our decoder network.
We can conclude with a conceptual understanding of VAEs. This process is widely used to generate new data for driver less vehicles, data transfer, new synthetic music and images.
Few more use case:
Generate New Images
Scanning and analyzing Medical reports (X ray , MRI etc.)
Producing future visual for self-driving cars
Production of new music compositions
Movies without real actors
Producing future visual for self-driving cars
Production of new music compositions
Movies without real actors
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